Saturday, October 18, 2008

Easy Tips to Cure Anxiety

In the stress filled world that we live in today, anxiety is a fairly common state of mind. Everyone is looking to live with less stress and here couple of easy tips to cure anxiety through mental exercises:

1) Morning Writing

This is a very powerful exercise that involves putting aside an extra 15 minutes each morning with a pad of paper & pen and checking in with yourself. It is best to do this upon rising and just write anything that comes to mind. It doesn't have to make any sense and there is no right or wrong way to do this exercise. It really helps to clear away all of the anxious feelings that start first thing in the morning and intensify as the day progresses. Try it for one week and see if you feel the difference.

2) Visualization Exercise to End Anxious Thoughts

Close your eyes and put your hand on your abdomen. Practice abdominal breathing for five minutes. Move your attention to your feet and really feel them planted on the floor underneath you. Picture roots growing out of the soles of your feet in your imagination. Focus very intently on this and make sure that this image becomes as clear as you can make it in your minds eye. Imagine a white light coming through the top of your head and flowing throughout your body - right through to the roots in your feet. Try to hold this image for 10 minutes and breathe deeply and slowly the entire time.

I hope you find these helpful in your day to day life. Here are some more tips to cure anxiety.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Overcome Panic Attacks Through Nutrition

The way that we fuel our body has a much bigger impact on our anxiety levels than we ever imagined. By not eating an anxiety reducing diet, we may actually be sabotaging our efforts at lowering our general anxiety to overcome panic attacks once and for all.

What Should We Be Eating?

We need to be eating a high alkaline diet. What is that exactly? What that means is that we aim to eat a diet that is made up of 80% raw fruits and vegetables and 20% protein and dairy. It is important to stay away from salt, refined sugar and processed foods as much as possible if we want to give ourselves a chance at living panic-free. Consumption of these foods serves only to lower our bodies tolerance to anxious feelings.


Because most of our bodily functions are linked to the efficient flow of water through our system, we need to ensure that we are getting plenty of it at all times. Water transports hormones, chemical messengers, and nutrients to vital organs of the body. When we don’t keep the body well hydrated, it reacts to these signals which can cause undo anxiety and stress on us.

If we want to overcome panic attacks, it is absolutely necessary to take an active interest in our dietary habits and change the way we eat. Our sanity depends on it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Treat Panic Attacks by Understanding Them

Panic attacks have such a devastating impact on the sufferer, yet they are so often misunderstood by everyone. When we suffer from panic attacks, our instinct is to avoid thinking about our fearful thoughts at all costs.

Little do we know that this is in fact the least successful means of actually overcoming the anxiety that fuels panic attack episodes. What does that mean exactly?

It means that in order to begin to heal ourselves from panic disorder for good, we must deliberately think about the things that we fear the most. It sounds a little backwards and it is a very uncomfortable process in the beginning - but it works.

The key to this successful treatment is that once we have actually allowed ourselves to increase our fear levels about certain situations or events and we survive, our body and mind trains itself to recognize that these are not fearful events to be afraid of any longer.

This method of treatment can be frightening for some people in the beginning, but it is so effective that before you know it - you are cured. It is extremely IMPORTANT to remember that whatever horrifying symptoms your panic attacks cause you, it is virtually impossible for them to actually harm you physically in any way. It feels that way at the time, but it cannot happen.

The key to being able to treat panic attacks by this means is believing that you will not die from these anxiety symptoms that you are experiencing.

Helpful Tips to Treat Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are frightening experiences that are often misunderstood by our loved ones and as such, they are at a loss to know how to help us when we are experiencing one.

Here are a few tips to treat panic attacks in the moment:

1) Lie Down

If you feel that your anxiety level has peaked and you are about to experience a panic attack, the best thing to do is to lie down. This will immediately act to calm yourself and your racing heart down. Do this whenever it is physically possible at the point you feel that your anxiety has escalated to the point of no return.

2) Visualize

Visually put up a stop sign in your mind. Focus intently on this until you can actually see this in your minds eye. Once it is there you will have temporarily blocked out the negative self-talk. At this stage, it is important to create a vision in your mind of the very safest place you can think of. Try to imagine a place that you have felt calm and grounded or it can be an imaginary location that makes you smile when you think of it. It is best to form this image at a time prior to your panic attack so that you are able to easily bring it back in your time of need. This technique really helps calm you down and is highly effective


Proper breathing is essential to help you get rid of panic attacks in the moment. The next time you feel a panic attack coming on and the shallow breathing commences, try this instead:

1. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose.
2. Hold your breath and count to six slowly.
3. Breathe out through your lips while slowly counting to eight.
4. Repeat this kind of breathing five to ten times.

You will be amazed by how much calmer you feel after this simple breathing technique.

More helpful tips to treat panic attacks.

Get Rid of Panic Attacks Forever

Panic attacks can take control of your life to the point that you are unable to function in your normal day-to-day life. There is a lot of information available to sufferers on the internet about how to get rid of panic attacks. Generally, this condition is treated through the use of anxiety medication, cognitive therapy, herbal supplements or self-help anxiety and panic attack programs.

Here are some tips to help you understand what to do and not to do while you are experiencing the onset of a panic attack:

1) Accept Your Anxious Feelings

As tempting as it is to try and block out the anxiety in an attempt to get rid of it, this will only serve to increase your overall anxiety level by trying to avoid it. Do not try to avoid or ignore these initial feelings. Rate your anxiety level and try to focus on the following thoughts:

-"Being anxious is okay and it is okay for me to feel that I am not in control"
-"I will accept my anxious feelings and not try to fight them"
-"I can accept this anxiety and continue with what I am doing"

2) Don't Anticipate

Try not to allow yourself to go into "what-if" thinking. If you are able to force yourself to stay in the now, your anxiety level will decrease and help you to ward off going into a full blown panic attack. Keep these in mind to lower your anxiety level:

-"Keep your feet on the floor"
-"I'll deal with it when the time comes"
-"Stay in the here-and-now"

3) Don't Add a Second Fear

The second fear is the feeling that is attached to your anxiety. This includes the fear of dying,fainting,going crazy,losing control and embarrassing yourself. If you feel these coming on, try the following:

-"I have had these feelings before and the worst did not happen"
-"I am not going to die,faint,lose control - this is just my anxiety"
-"This is making me very uncomfortable, but it is not dangerous and I will not die from it"

Here is another helpful website with additional information to get rid of panic attacks.

Cure Your Anxiety and Panic Attacks

In my endless search while trying to cure anxiety and panic attacks for myself, I came across a number of programs that help eliminate symptoms immediately for sufferers caught in the anxiety and panic attack cycle. I have outlined some of these programs and what they are about below.

1) Panic Away

Teaches people to free themselves from the fear of ever having another panic attack again. Also great tools to allow you to conquer general anxiety disorder once for all. I highly recommend this easy to implement program that helped me regain my freedom. You can register for a free mini-series to help cure anxiety and panic attacks below.
Panic Away Program

2) Easy Calm

This is a video series which is interactive and can be beneficial for people to follow and learn the steps that they need to implement to banish anxiety, obsessive thoughts and panic attacks from their lives. Very comprehensive and easy to use. You can access more information below if you are interested in reading more about it.
Easy Calm Program

3) The Linden Method

The Linden Method is another drug-free treatment to cure anxiety and panic attacks that works very well for many people. It is another quick and effective solution to permanently beating your panic attacks. It has also been highly effective in treating depression as well. See below to access more information and testimonials.
The Linden Method