Thursday, October 16, 2008

Treat Panic Attacks by Understanding Them

Panic attacks have such a devastating impact on the sufferer, yet they are so often misunderstood by everyone. When we suffer from panic attacks, our instinct is to avoid thinking about our fearful thoughts at all costs.

Little do we know that this is in fact the least successful means of actually overcoming the anxiety that fuels panic attack episodes. What does that mean exactly?

It means that in order to begin to heal ourselves from panic disorder for good, we must deliberately think about the things that we fear the most. It sounds a little backwards and it is a very uncomfortable process in the beginning - but it works.

The key to this successful treatment is that once we have actually allowed ourselves to increase our fear levels about certain situations or events and we survive, our body and mind trains itself to recognize that these are not fearful events to be afraid of any longer.

This method of treatment can be frightening for some people in the beginning, but it is so effective that before you know it - you are cured. It is extremely IMPORTANT to remember that whatever horrifying symptoms your panic attacks cause you, it is virtually impossible for them to actually harm you physically in any way. It feels that way at the time, but it cannot happen.

The key to being able to treat panic attacks by this means is believing that you will not die from these anxiety symptoms that you are experiencing.

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